About Us

We believe that there is a gaping hole in the startup landscape.

History's most impactful inventors and creators have worked in isolation, often considered mavericks, fruitcakes, and eccentrics. We believe that the next generation of world-changing ideas will come from the same place.

In the tech world, visionary founders working on their own are told to find a co-founder because startups are hard. Startups are hard no doubt, but that's not a reason to find a co-founder, that's a reason to have the right support in place.


A home for non-technical founders

In startupland, non-technical founders don't stand a chance. Even a preeminent expert in their field is told to find a technical co-founder. Tech Upstarts is a home for non-technical founders.

Ideas aren't worthless

The Silicon Valley mantra of "ideas are worthless" was coined to highlight the importance of execution, so a more accurate phrase would be "ideas are worthless without execution". Even with that refined definition, we disagree. The idea is the bedrock that everything else is built on, a good idea will survive bad execution and you can try again. A bad idea won't even survive good execution.

We don't pivot

The view that ideas are not the most important part of a business has led to the tech world favouring "pivots", where you start with a bad idea and then change it. Pivots suit investors, not founders and teams. At Tech Upstarts we believe on working hard on an idea, obsess over it, refine it and stay faithful to it. The best ideas are ahead of their time and you sometimes need to wait for the world to catch up.


  • Jan 2024: Tech Upstarts was founded.
  • Jan 2024: We secured investment to support our first twenty Upstarts through to the end of 2025.
  • Feb 2024: We welcomed our first six Upstarts.